Monday, March 03, 2008

In Memoriam - Johan

Cross post from Wordpress

Good bye my beloved nephew. You’re so close to our hearts, just like a son to us…

May you rest in the Heavenly Father’s hand. No longer in pain. No more sorrows. No more struggles. No more operations. Safe. Peace. Rest. In eternity.

Thank you, Lord for letting us know him. Young. Brave. A fighter… Take him in Your hands.

Thank you, Lord, for through such a small child, Johan, we experience the miracle of Your love, power, and sovereignty. We learned to accept and trust Your Great Plan, a plan You have designed for us since eternity, a plan of peace, and nothing but peace.

And Lord, please console the grieving parents. Let them, with Your Strengths, to weather the storm, to experience Your true love and compassion…

In Memoriam: Johan Imanuel Kirdjo (19 Sep 2005 - 1 Mar 2008)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Too many blogs...

Di era seperti ini, memang orang sah-sah saja untuk punya 100 blog. Sampai bingung deh...

Saya punya lebih dari sepuluh (masih jauh dari seratus). Tapi untuk memilih gimana? Mana yang akhirnya lebih sering diupdate, mana yg tidak. Blog (dan social network) yg aku punya:
  • Blogspot
  • Wordpress
  • LiveJournal
  • Vox
  • Friendster
  • Multiply
  • Jaiku
  • MOSH
  • Twango
  • LinkedIn
  • cooldesak
  • Flickr
  • Photobucket
  • Yahoo! 360
1. Bisa diakses dari kantor:
LiveJournal, Yahoo! 360 dan Multiply dengan berat hati dicoret.
(Dua kandidat kuat: MySpace dan Facebook juga harus dicoret!)

2. Mudah diakses dari mobile phones:
Wordpress, Vox, Jaiku, Blogger, dan Flickr top the list.
Friendster dan cooldesak out.

(Lewat Shozu, sebenarnya jadi banyak yg bisa sih.)

3. Komunitas
Sebenarnya Multiply dan Friendster pilihannya.
LinkedIn? Menarik, tapi perlu terlalu banyak effort untuk mengembangkannya.

4. Reliable: wah yang mana ya?
cooldesak kaya'nya out, karena pernah down nggak jelas dan terlalu banyak Flash

Pusing kan?
Ingat waktu jamannya free email dan free website. Tiap orang punya banyak banget email address (sampai sekarang juga?).


Blogs: Wordpress, Blogger dan Vox (for its mobile blogging)
Social Net: Friendster, Multiply (harus dari rumah) dan LinkedIn; and of course Flickr.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Who Moved My Blog

I decided to try a new site for my blog.... They offer tagging, multiple pages, and easier customisation. So I'll give it a try.

Anyway, here's the site:

So, for the time being, this blog is frozen...

Friday, April 28, 2006


OK, enough with all self-pitying and criticism.
Let's put on the positive head and blog.

Last week I spent a couple of days in Bali..... (sadly) working.
It's a sin to work in paradise!

Arrived at Tuesday night (my flight got delayed for almost one hour).
Missed the spectacular welcome dinner.
Spent the Wednesday in an exhibition and giving a presentation.
Attended the fun, interesting, entertaining dinner.
Flew back on Thursday.
See how "efficient" I am... It's indeed a sin to work in paradise!

Albeit the short trip, I did gain a couple of insights.

1. Bali is definitely beautiful.

Still beautiful.
The beaches, palm trees, ocean, ...
the houses, pura's, paintings, ...
the rivers, creeks, forests, ...

So magnificent, yet there's an aura of peace when you're there.

One of my favourite is when I sidetracked.
Walking along the mainroad of Kuta, Seminyak, Ubud, you name it, ..., and make an unplanned turn in a small alley. Admiring the atmosphere of artistic and natural beauty.
(A good thing to do also in Venice).

Sadly, I read in the newspaper that day, that Indonesia lacks behind Thailand, Malaysia in tourism. They attract more tourists nowadays than Bali / Indonesia does.... due to security issues. There were two suicide bombings within past few years. And although we're recovering, somehow it's not enough. That has a serious impact on the Balinese tourism industry. As Indonesian, I'm a bit dissapointed, and on the other hand challenged.

Why don't you plan your vacation in Bali?
Let's go to Bali, the land of the gods, paradise on earth.

2. Take control of the whole customer experience.... and apologize when neccessary.

The second insight I learnt from the CEO of a particular Indonesian cellular operator.

Remember about the delayed flights?

Is it your fault when the airline delayed the flight of your guests?
No. But... it would be a pleasure to hear you apologize, sincerely.

That's what he did.
He apologized that his guests experienced an annoying delays. And he promised to give more attention to avoid the same problem again.

Taking control of the whole customer experience.
Not just things that fall under your direct influence, but also things under other's control. At least you should talk to the others, check and double check. And when things go wrong, apologize.

For you locus of control extremist, anyway, there's no such thing as "not under my control." But please pay attention that things can go wrong...

3. Nice, memorable event.

O, ya.
The main event that I attended was actually an entertainment event. They managed to create such a fun, entertaining, and memorable atmosphere. Well, there's this serious "learning" part - seminars, exhibitions, but the fun "experience" part was more dominant, such as:

Welcome dinner -- traditional, sacred @ Taman Ayun, imagine your arrive at Taman Ayun, which is completely transformed and welcome by 150 of tradionally dressed Balinese ladies. (The number of guests are around 200).

Followed by the next evening's Dinner + Entertainment -- modern, cozy, a standard buffet dinner actually, plus a standard band. But in addition to that, they added a nice suprise elements: two booths for relaxing foot massage, free of course; tattoo artists; and one booth giving away bead bracelets and necklaces. And the main entertainment event that night was Rommy Raphael - the hipnotist artists.

Relaxing Activities, golf (standard), spa, ATV race, ...

And finally, Farewell Dinner (I missed it actually) -- spectacular & wild. It was held in Garuda Wisnu Kencana park. A very large park -- GWK it was a gunung kapur cut into statues and panggung and temples. Very impressive work. I can imagine that the event will be indeed spectacular.

Talking about event organizing...

4. Tattoo.

To pin down the event in my memory, I decided to get a temporary tattoo on my left hand! My first actually. Just out of curiosity. The artist was great, done it in less than 10 minutes... the queue was longer, though... have to wait for 30 mins. Let me share you the picture when I can upload it. (It's a dragon picture, by the way...)

Those who know me hardly believe that I did.
But I did, man!

5. Lost and Found: another pleasant memory

Last but not least, I accidentally left my shorts and t-shirt at the hotel!! Aargh. Must be the effect of staying up late and early morning rush to the airport.

Called the hotel when I got back to Jakarta.
After two transfers, they confirmed that they will send the clothes back to me. Of course on my charge... They are helpful and responsive. Handled the incident in a very good manner.
It was a five-star hotel in Seminyak, Sofitel. I guess, I (my company, I mean) didn't pay close to $100 for nothing...

There's one interesting stuff, though.
When I received the package a two of days later, (yes, they shipped it using express delivery, exceeding my expectation, actually), there's a tag on my clothes... which says "throw away" Guess that's what they're going to do with my poor shorts... (grin).

I really enjoyed the experience...
and I find it still a sin to work in Bali... :-)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Rp 300,-

Sekali lagi: uang kembalian!

Kemarin makan es krim di salah satu kedai es krim mahal... suasana enak, es krimnya asyik, tapi... kembalian gue kurang tiga ratus perak (well Rp 297,- to be exact). Seharusnya 7.797, hanya dikembalikan Rp 7.500,-. I spent Rp 62.203,- anyway.

I am wondering... this is becoming a common "disease" in Jakarta. But... apakah saya yg terlalu "pelit" atau orang lain yg permisif. (Nggak mau ribut).

If you: have a very healthy of margin, spend a heap on promo, advertising, discounts, etc.
why can't you give an exact change to me, or round it down... please... (sigh).

Susah yah, punya restoran.
Jualannya 'kan total experience.
Masalahnya karena nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga.

Does small things matter in ... creating advocate customers ... creating memorable customer's experience ... creating a superior customer value ... giving an edge against the competition?
[I may be jumping to other topics ... If competition matches your offering, what benefits will you use to differentiate yourself: functional, emotional, experience?]

Dulu, setiap makan es krim, gue selalu dapat air putih as a compliment. Untuk menghilangkan rasa manis. Kemarin: tidak ada complimentary fresh water to accompany my order.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

How to Wow 'Em Like Steve Jobs

At the end of each presentation Jobs adds to the drama by saying, "and one more thing." He then adds a new product, new feature, or sometimes introduces a band. He approaches each presentation as an event, a production with a strong opening, product demonstrations in the middle, a strong conclusion, and an encore -- that "one more thing!"

(Business Week Online, this article)

Belum pernah dengar dia presentasi, sih, tapi kelihatannya meyakinkan.

Rp 70,-

Kemarin malam maem Horfun Bebek ala Tio Ciu. Horfun itu mirip-mirip kwe tiau, tapi lebih tipis-tipis. Kuahnya coklat, mirip bakut teh, dengan bawang yg banyak... nyam... nyam...

Rp 22.000 + Rp 4.000 buat es teh tawar (!!) total Rp 26.000.
Plus service charge 5%, terus plus lagi PPN 10%. Total gue dicharge lagi 15.5%
Angkanya? Rp 30.030 ... tiga puluh ribu, tiga puluh rupiah.

Uangku? Rp 50.000.

Pasti bukan Rp 19.970, karena tidak ada pecahan uang logam untuk Rp 70,-
Tebak: Rp 20.000 atau Rp 19.900?

Rp 19.900!

Rp 70,-

(Kebangetan juga, sih)
Kenapa customer yg harus mengalah, di-rounding ke bawah?
Rp 70,- bisa buat perbedaan yg besar ke attitude customer terhadap brand kita.

Ini praktek yg sering terjadi di Indonesia.
Kembalian di supermarket, restoran, hypermart, food court, you name it, sering kurang. Diganti permen. Atau hilang begitu saja.... dengan alasan "tidak ada uang kecil" ... Kadang orang protes, kadang tidak karena cuek.

Kenapa bikin harga yg "aneh" sehingga tidak bisa memberikan exact change? (Udah tahu uang pecahan Rp 50,- apalagi Rp 25,- sudah hampir hilang dari peredaran).
Di beberapa negara lain, 1 sen pun pasti dikembalikan.

Ada satu supermarket yg cukup bagus, total belanjaan kita selalu dirounding ke bawah, ke-50-an terdekat. Maksimum rugi Rp 49,- yah... lumayan lah, tapi 49 perak tersebut means a lot bagi customernya: "kami berpihak kepada Anda."

Komplain (& Puas).
"Mas, kembaliannya kurang ... tujuh puluh rupiah."

Bagusnya mereka punya response yg baik.
"Maaf, ya, Pak, saya periksa dulu dengan kasir."

Dan aku dapat Rp 20.000,-
Tips Rp 2.000,- melayang, aku tinggalkan di meja.

Jangan menyusahkan customer lah...
Perhatikan juga hal-hal kecil, sehingga experience mereka dengan brand kita nyaman, memorable.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Lihat ke bawah!


Di belakang kantorku, tepat di belakang gedung kantin ternyata perumahan kumuh.

Sementara di sini kami duduk ber-AC dan dengan asyiknya blogging.
Jangan lupa untuk melihat ke bawah.

Perhatikanlah dengan seksama hari-harimu,
dan lihatlah bahwa banyak hal yg kita take for granted.
Hiduplah dengan penuh rasa syukur setiap hari.

For old time's sake

Beberapa minggu yang lalu makan di restoran di Pasar Baru. Bareng teman-teman sesama karnivora. (I'm definitely not a vegetarian). Makanannya enak, tapi yg menggelitik adalah pemandangan yang kami temui.

Empat orang, sudah tua, ngobrol seru, makan bareng-bareng, ketawa-tawa, cerita-cerita. Seems to be enjoying life. Very much.

What would happen when you reach that age?
Health deteriorating.
Familiar places and faces dissapearing.
Facing change during your old age...
Regretting past decisions.

Atau bisa look at the brighter side.
Makan asam garam kehidupan, menjadi wise.
Watching your children grow, and grandchild born.
Observing how times have changed.
Celebrating life.
Been there, done that.

Adalah pilihan apakah akan menjadi tua dan menyesal.
Menjadi tua, sambil memilih untuk bijaksana dan bahagia.

Still a long way to go.
But why not be prepared from now?
Karena bertambahnya usia adalah sesuatu yang pasti...